Chirag, Eva & “Liquid Training”

Liquid Training”, or a fluid training style packed with ABC contingencies, is a theme explored by Eva and British animal trainer Chirag Patel of Chirag Patel Consulting.

Eva & Chirag

#StayLiquid appeared when Chirag and Eva did a webinar titled “Liquid Training – Chaos or Contingencies” (which turned into a webinar-plus-followup, so that recording includes almost 4 hours of material!). They elaborated further on this theme at the Nordic ABC conference on Iceland in 2022, and more will surely come.

Rest assured, there’s nothing random about this free-flowing approach to training. What might look like chaos is packed with contingencies. We’re talking best practice applications of behavioral principles, with a multitude of decisions being made at a fast pace, moment by moment and with simultaneous considerations of a wide array of factors. 

Available webinars with Chirag & Eva:

Join in the chaos – watch the Liquid Training webinar recording and its follow-up session!
Also check out the Bucket Game webinar, where Eva joins Chirag in an exploration of the ins and outs of the Bucket Game.
A snippet of a discussion about how training flows!
Sneak-peek from the Liquid Training webinar (available as recording)

Bio, contact information and more:

Chirag Patel’s website: Chirag Patel Consulting.
Eva Bertilsson: “About Eva”

As usual you can contact Eva Bertilsson at

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